Dress Code
Dress Code
UTC Reading is an educational environment where our intent is “to prepare students for the world of work.”
Every company we work with has a dress code or clear expectations of what their employees are expected to wear. UTC Reading is no different.
UTC Reading has a well-defined dress code that applies to all students and staff members that study or work at the UTC.
Our Dress code is Smart Professional Dress.
Please view our 2023-2024 Student Dress Code for all the details.
GCSE study skills masterclass for parents
To help in the run-up to GCSE exam season for our Year 11 students, we asked Maximise Your Potential, a company specialising in study skills, to run a webinar to help parents support their children in the run up to and through the exams.
We know that not everyone could attend so wanted to share the headlines, key resources and main tips from Jeremy’s session. We have run sessions with Jeremy many times in some of our schools and feedback from the students has always been very positive, so we hope you find this useful.
You can find the guide here